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About Us




“Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love, let them go forth in freedom.”
Rudolf Steiner

Steiner Education is based on the understanding that every human being is a spiritual being on a purposeful life journey.

Our overarching priority is to support every child to fulfil his or her unique destiny, and to provide him or her with firm foundations so that they can develop into a free, morally responsible and integrated person. We aspire to be part of this journey, creating a space that cherishes early childhood within which:

• The whole child is recognised and accepted

• The process of learning is unhurried

• Whānau are an integral part of everyday curriculum experiences

• Relationships are respectful, responsive and reciprocal

• Every child is empowered to develop and sustain their own self-directed play.


Te Reo

Oromahoe Kindergarten is an equitable learning environment that acknowledges the roles of all cultures within our community. As part of this, Tikanga (culture) and Te Reo Māori are deeply ingrained in our daily curriculum to help children embrace the spirit, uniqueness and heritage of Aotearoa and its people.


Sustainability and environmental care are highly valued at Oromahoe Kindergarten. They are woven throughout the curriculum and are deeply entrenched in the centre’s operational practices in a variety of 

ways. Our aim is to teach children how to respect, take responsibility for and protect the natural world so that it can be preserved for generations to come.


We take pride in nurturing a holistic eating culture where home-cooking and the enjoyment of sharing meals in a harmonious environment is emphasised. We provide high-quality, seasonal, vegetarian food, sourcing organic and fair trade items wherever possible. Food is prepared daily with the assistance of the children.



At Oromahoe Kindergarten, we provide a holistic learning environment that is underpinned by the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner. We focus on protecting and respecting the dignity of childhood, laying the foundations to support later learning and healthy development. This includes cognitive (hinengaro), physical (tinana), emotional (whatumanawa), spiritual (wairua), social and intellectual development. We strive to provide an atmosphere of loving warmth and guidance – an environment that feels secure, promotes joy, wonder and reverence – all of which support the healthy development of a child.



In line with the Steiner philosophy, self-directed play is an essential and valued element of childhood and as such is central to our unhurried curriculum. This means allowing children to learn through real life experiences as opposed to learning from screens.



Our daily life at Oromahoe Kindergarten is underpinned by rhythms and routines that protect Mauri (life energy). A central part of Steiner teaching, these rhythms build a sense of security, continuity, wellbeing, belonging and wholeness of life within each child.



Nature is another integral part of our centre. We value Papatūānuku as an important teacher – nature herself provides the possibilities to learn and grow, and her wisdom has no limits. We teach the children to cherish the natural world and embrace sustainability principles.



We acknowledge the contribution of parents and whānau and see their input as an essential part of our curriculum and daily practices. These interactions with trusted adults allow children to learn through imitation as they experience new movements and sensations.



Our curriculum and pedagogy (approaches of teaching) reflect our philosophy and align with Te Whāriki (the New Zealand Early Childhood Curriculum, MOE 2017). As such, the principles of our curriculum are based on the four foundation principles of Te Whāriki:

•  Empowerment / Whakamana

•  Holistic Development / Kotahitanga

•  Family & Community / Whānau Tangata

•  Relationship / Ngā hononga

The additional principles below embody what is held to be
important in a Steiner/Waldorf early childhood environment.

•  Curriculum and pedagogy based on child development

•  Education of the whole child

•  Acknowledging an education for head, heart and hands (thinking, feeling, willing)

•  The unhurried curriculum: readiness for learning

The strands and goals as outlined in Te Whāriki arise from these principles and are woven into Oromahoe Kindergarten’s curriculum to reflect diversity and the philosophical choices of our Steiner community. They spell out the basic needs and rights of all children and complement our commitment to Steiner pedagogy.

Our Staff


Here to guide, nurture and inspire



Kia ora koutou,
My name is Mara and
  I am originally from Germany where I trained and worked as a journalist for many years. However, upon coming to New Zealand in 2010, I found a new passion in working with children.


I am now a fully qualified ECE teacher with several years of work experience. I have spent the last few years providing home-based childcare in a rural setting in Whangarei and was also president of a local Playcentre there. 

Oromahoe very much resonates with my own teaching philosophy. I believe that free, uninterrupted play is the driving force behind children’s development, enabling them to explore the world around them in their own time and unfold their full potential. I prefer natural, open-ended resources and love to spend as much time outdoors as possible.

Bachelor of Arts honours in Journalism

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (ECE)

Diploma in Steiner Education (in training)

Teacher / Centre Manager



Hi, I am Anh - a Vietnamese in-training teacher with a particular interest in Waldorf Education. I have a major in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), but have since realized that I desire to learn and develop my understanding of Early Childhood Education.


I enjoy outdoor activities as well as arts & crafts and storytelling and look forward to sharing these passions with the children.


In Vietnam, I used to be a table tennis player for my home city team for 15 years and am hoping to continue this sport in the Bay of Islands.

Bachelor of Education (TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)

Master of TESOL

Diploma in Steiner Education (in training)




I'm Audrey. I'm originally from France, but moved to New Zealand in 2014. I am mother of Babette and Anatole who both came through Oromahoe Kindergarten. Both of my children have and still are benefitting from Steiner Education.

In France, I worked with children for more than 15 years in before and after school care settings as well as during school holidays.

I am absolutely delighted to be able to work in this place now that has given so much to my children.

Centre Assistant

Join the team



Hi. I was born and raised in New Zealand, but have spent a few years living in the UK where both my daughters were born. We moved back to New Zealand a couple of years ago and I have been a part of the kindergarten community since.

Both my girls attend(ed) the kindergarten, with my older daughter now in the Steiner classroom at Pakaraka School. I have watched them flourish in this very special environment and look forward to helping your children flourish here as well. My personal interests including gardening, handcrafts and outdoor education.

Bachelor of Education (Primary) with a focus on Steiner Education




Kia Ora. As a mother of four, I deeply understand the importance of creating a nurturing, supportive, and well-organized environment where children can feel safe to explore, discover their true potential, and develop a sense of self. I believe that fostering connectedness between children, families, and staff is essential for building a strong community where everyone thrives together.

In my role as centre administrator, I am committed to ensuring the smooth operation of the kindergarten, while also supporting the daily rhythms and routines that allow our centre to flourish.


Oromahoe Kindergarten  ||  ||  09 4059 336 

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